Peer review principles and conditions for publication of articles in the journal


Articles are accepted for publication in the journal, which represent results of independent research of the author (team of authors). The research results must be relevant, suggest a scientific novelty and contain a statement of the problem, a description of research instruments, research results and resulting conclusions to comply with the Rules for Articles Formulation.


Procedures for reviewing manuscripts of scientific publications


All materials submitted for publication in the journal are reviewed and approved by the editorial board. Before reviewing, all materials go through the initial review procedure, during which they are checked for compliance with formal requirements.

The manuscripts that have passed the primary selection are sent to reviewers. The peer review procedure is double blind, that is, anonymous for the author and reviewer. For the editor-in-chief to make a final decision on the publication of an article, at least two positive reviews from reviewers are required.

The review must contain the following main components:

  1. Evaluation of the contents of the scientific article proposed for publication and the possibility of its publication in the journal;
  2. If any, a list of specific errors, inaccuracies or falsifications in the tools, methodology or research results;
  3. If necessary, proposals for revising, supplementing or changing the text of the publication.

The reviewer can make the following recommendations for the publication of the article:

  1. “The article can be recommended for publication”, if the manuscript does not contain errors, meets the requirements of the relevance and originality of scientific research. In this case, the manuscript is included in the list of intended publications of the journal (“editorial portfolio”).
  2. “An article can be recommended for publication, subject to its revision in accordance with comments of the reviewer.” In this case, the article is sent to the authors for revision, and upon receipt of the revised text, it is reviewed again. If the reviewer provides significant comments to the article, it is rejected by the decision of the editorial board without the right to further revision.
  3. “The article cannot be recommended for publication.” In this case, the article is rejected by the decision of the editorial board.

Note that copies of reviews are sent to the authors. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author has the right to send a claim to the scientific editor, which will be taken into account by the editorial board when deciding on the publication of the manuscript. The final decision on the publication is made by the editor-in-chief of the journal on the basis of two positive reviews of the article following the discussion of the article for compliance with all requirements of the editorial board of the journal.

The CHEMICAL PROBLEMS journal publishes articles and reviews reflecting the results of new original research in various fields of chemistry.

Articles must meet the following important requirements:

– The title of the article should be consistent with its content

– Comments should be clear and logical and should be written in a fluent language

– The article should include only experimental material on the problem posed

– Tables and pictures should not repeat the text in the article

– Descriptions of experiments should be detailed so that they can be evaluated upon repetition.

– The references should be compiled precisely: references should cover the most recent sources of research. You should not make references to teaching materials, abstracts of conferences, dissertations and Ph.D. thesis

Technical design of the article:

– An article (Microsoft Word for Windows, font size 12 pt, Times New Roman) should be executed and sent to the email address of the journal in A4 format with an interval of 1.5 and a frame size of 2.5 cm on each side.

– The text of the article should start with the UDC index on the top from left. Then, in the middle of the page,  the name of the article, the initials and surnames of the authors (12 pt), the full name of the institution (institution, etc.) submitting the article, surname, phone number and email of the corresponding author (11 pt). Then abstract (150 words) and keywords should be provided (11 pt). This layout should be in three languages ​​(Azerbaijani, Russian and English). Summaries in Russian and Azerbaijani should be submitted at the end of the article.

– Mathematical and chemical formulas are numbered in brackets with Arabic numerals and chemical compounds are numbered in Roman numerals. Only formulas referenced in the text are numbered.

– If the name of a chemical compound is used more than once in the text, it must first indicate its full name and the abbreviation in brackets, and then only the short name without brackets.

– In the case of non-standard marks and abbreviations adopted by the author, they must be explained at the first use.

– In decimal places, the whole part is separated by a dot (5.32, 4.6, etc.).

– Reference to the literature in the text (not less than 10) is given in square brackets [ ].

Manuscripts prepared according to the rules of the journal are accepted by e-mail

An example of the title page of an article:






G.S. Muktarova, A.B. Hasanova, H.T. Eyubova, H.C. Ibrahimov,

V.M. Abbasov


Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after.Yu.Mamedaliyev

Khojali pr., 30, Baku AZ1025, Azerbaijan Republic;


The main results of mazut hydrocracking in the presence of superfine aluminosilicate catalyst and its modifications with transition metals (Ni, Мo) have been analyzed. It revealed that under optimal conditions (4300C, 1 MPa) the yield of light oil products is 46.6% mas. without using a catalyst. By adding 2.5% catalyst Az-4, the yield of light oil products rises up to 7% and comprises 53.0%. Using Az-4 modified by transition metals (Ni, Mo), the yield of light oil products rises to make up 60.0% mas. Note that obtained gasoline is characterized by fine chromacity, low content of aromatic and unsaturated hydrocarbons, 69 points MON in a pure form. Diesel fraction is also characterized by low content of aromatic hydrocarbons which defines its high cetane number of 53-54 points. The analysis of gasoline quality and diesel fractions shows that following the additional light hydro-treatment the obtained products can be recommended as commodity fuels of high quality. 

Keywords: hydrocracking, mazut, aluminosilicate catalyst, transition metals, temperature, gasoline, diesel fraction.

The logical structure of the article:

The structure of the article should consist of the following sections:



The topicality of the problem should be justified by reference to the scientific literature. The purpose of the work should be clear and understandable.

Experimental part:

– The description of the experiments must be detailed and accurate to evaluate the results. The brand of devices used must be indicated.

Results and Discussion:

– The results are systematized through tables and figures and presented in a logical sequence of text.

– The name of the tables and the captions should be so that their contents are clear without reference to the text. The size of the figures should be approximately 8 × 8 cm.


– The references in the article should be sequenced.

When citation to the journal article references the names of all authors, the title of the article, the journal title, year, volume, number, pages of the article. DOI should also be indicated.


Aliyev I.I., Mammadova N.A., Sadigov F.M. Research into phase formation and some physical and chemical properties of the Sb2Se3-GaSe system alloys. Chemical Problems. 2019, vol. 17(3), pp. 403-407. DOI: (Provided the link is active, with hyperlink)

Books: – Names of authors, title of the book, name of city and publisher, year and total number of pages. For translated books, the bracket is named in the original language.


Sluchinskaya I.A. Fundamentals of materials science and semiconductor technology. Moscow: Mir. 2002. 49-51 p.


– name of the country, number of the patent, year of publication and name of the patent.


Pat. US 367711 (publ. 1971). Foamable synthetic resin compositions.



The fee for the publication of a journal article up to 10 pages inclusive is 200 USD, for each additional page – 20 USD.
*** If the article submitted to the editorial is published in another journal or the article is plagiarized, the payment will not be refunded.

Resubmission of returned articles to the editorial office is not allowed.


Publishing articles in the journal “Chemical Problems” is free of charge for the children of martyrs.