The founders, editor-in-chief and editorial staff of “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate the member of editorial board of the journal, academician Dilgam Tagiyev on his 75 th anniversary. They wish him good health, longevity, and success in scientific work and in his personal life.
Dear Prof. Evelina Slavcheva, congratulations!
The international member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Chemical Problems” Corresponding Member Evelina Slavcheva took office as President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. At a ceremony held at BAS, Prof. Julian Revalski, Member of BAS, symbolically handed over the key of the Academy to the newly elected President. The founders, editors and members of the editorial board of the journal “Chemical Problems” congratulate her on this occasion and wish her good health, greater achievements and success in the future.
The founders and members of the editorial board of the journal Chemical Problems congratulate the editor-in-chief of the journal Vagif Farzaliyev on his 85th birthday. They wish him good health, longevity, success in scientific work and prosperity of the journal.
Dear Prof. Grigor Tatishvili, congratulation!
The founders, editors and members of the editorial board of the journal “Chemical Problems” cordially congratulate the member of the editorial board of the journal Professor Grigor Tatishvili was selected Correspondent member of Georgian National Academy of Sciences. Wishes the professor good health, greater achievements and success in his future scientific work.
The founders and editorial staff of “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate editor-in-chief Vagif Farzaliyev, and his colleagues Afsun Sujayev and Hakikat Javadova on the occasion of being awarded the State Prize in the field of technology by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, and wish them great heights in their future work.
“Chemical Problems” dergisinin kurucuları, yazı işleri müdürü ve yayın kurulu, Türkiye’nin güneydoğusunda meydana gelen şiddetli deprem nedeniyle derin üzüntü duymaktadır. Yaşanan faciada hayatını kaybedenlere Allah rahmet eylesin. Onların yakınlarına başsağlığı diliyor, yaralılara acil şifalar diliyorlar. Türk milletinin acısı bizim acımızdır. Yüce Allah’tan tüm Türkiye halkına güç ve sabır diliyoruz.
The founders, editor-in-chief and editorial board of “Chemical Problems” journal are deeply saddened by the earthquake in the southeast of Turkey. May God have mercy on those who died during the tragedy. They offer their deepest condolences to their relatives and wish for the speedy recovery of the wounded. The grief of the Turkish people is our grief. We ask Almighty God for strength and patience for all the people of Turkey.
26 по 29 июня 2023 года в республике Кабардино-Балкария, в пос. Эльбрус пройдет
Второй Всероссийский семинар
«Электрохимия в распределенной и атомной энергетике»
Ключевые даты:
1 февраля 2023 г – начало подачи заявок и тезисов докладов
30 апреля 2023 г – завершение подачи заявок и тезисов докладов
10 мая 2023 – уведомление о принятии тезисов доклада
20 мая 2023 – оплата организационного взноса
26 июня 2023 г – начало работы семинара
29 июня 2023 г – завершение работы семинара
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İnsan cəmiyyətinin mövcud ola bilməsi üçün onun həyat və fəaliyyətini təmin edən enerji istehlakının olmasıdır. Günəş regenerativ enerji mənbəyi olaraq, Yer kürəsinə böyük miqdarda enerji verir. Yeni, təmiz alternativ enerji mənbələri axtarmaqla yanaşı, təbiətdə daim mövcud olan günəş enerjisindən səmərəli istifadə yollarının araşdırılması aktualdır. Günəşlə zəngin olan ölkəmizdə bu enerjidən hələ kifayət qədər istifadə olunmur. Bu istiqamətdə görüləcək işlər çoxdur. Bu baxımdan kimya elmləri doktoru Sadiq Quliyev tərəfindən yazılmış “Termal qünəş enerji sistemləri” adlı kitab xüsusi əhəmiyyət daşıyır. Kitab günəş enerjisindən istifadə etmək üçün yaradılan termal sistemlər, günəş kollektorları, onların növləri və istifadə olunan sahələri əhatə edir. Kitabda günəş kollektorları haqqında məlumat verilməklə yanaşı, onların effektivliyinə təsir edən faktorlar, günəş kollektorlarından istifadə edilməsi üçün qurulan sistemlər və bu sistemlərin sabit işləməsi üçün lazım olan texniki məlumat da yer almışdır.
Müəllif kitabın girişində qeyd edir ki, bu kitab vasitəsi ilə ölkəmizdə termal günəş sistemlərini praktikada geniş tətbiq etmək istəyi olmuşdur və bu sahəyə maraqın artması üçün kitabda yetərlı elmi və texniki məlumatlar yer almışdır.
Prof. Sadiq Quliyev 1977-94-ci illərdə AMEA-nın Qeyri-üzvi və Fiziki Kimya (indiki Kataliz və Qeyri-üzvi kimya institutunda çalışmışdır. 1994-95-ci illərdə İstambul Texniki Universitetinə dəvət edilmiş. Kimya bölməsində tədqiqatlar aparmışdır. 1998-2005-ci illərdə Türkiyədə alüminium sənayesində elektrokimyəvi üsulla günəş absorberləri istehsalına rəhbərlik etmişdir.
Kitabın müəllifi, prof. Sadiq Quliyev 2005-ci ildən Türkiyənin Vestel müdafiə sənayesində Hidrojen Texnolojiləri və Yanacaq Elementləri bölməsində Tədqiqatçı Prof. Dr olaraq çalışır. Vestel müdafiə sənayesinin iştirakıyla aparılmış çox saylı Beynəlzalq və Tubitak layihələrində iştirak edir. 120-dən çox elmi məqalə, 20-dən çox Azərbaycan, Türkiyə və Avropa patentlərinin müəllifidir. Hal-hazırda Ankarada yaşayır və işləyir.
Müəllif kitabı Türkiyədə öz vəsaitilə çap edib. Məqsədi mütəxəsis, müəllim, tələbələr və ümumiyyətlə bu sahə ilə maraqlananlar üçün azərbaycan dilində termal qünəş enerji sistemləri haqqında topladığı zəngin ədəbiyyat və eksperimental materialı təqdim etmək olmuşdur. Bu da bir azərbaycanlı alimin hansı ölkədə işləıməyindən asılı olmayaraq daim vətənə bağlı olmasının, onun rifahı, elmi tərəqqisi üçün çalışmasının gözəl nümunəsidir.
In order for human society to exist, it must have energy consumption that ensures its life and activity. The sun, as a source of regenerative energy, provides a large amount of energy to the Earth. In addition to searching for new, clean alternative energy sources, it is important to investigate ways of efficient use of solar energy, which is always present in nature. This energy is not used enough in our country, which is rich in the sun. There is a lot of work to be done in this direction. From this point of view, the book “Thermal solar energy systems” written by Doctor of Chemical Sciences Sadiq Guliyev is of special importance. The book covers thermal systems created to use solar energy, solar collectors, their types and areas of use. In addition to providing information about solar collectors, the book includes factors affecting their efficiency, systems built for using solar collectors, and technical information necessary for the stable operation of these systems.
The author notes in the introduction of the book that through this book there was a desire to widely apply thermal solar systems in practice in our country, and the book contains enough scientific and technical information to increase interest in this field.
Prof. In 1977-94, Sadiq Guliyev worked at the Institute of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry (now Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry) of ANAS. In 1994-95, he was invited to Istanbul Technical University. He conducted research in the Chemistry Department. 1998-2005 led the production of solar absorbers by electrochemical method in the aluminum industry in Turkey.
The author of the book, prof. Since 2005, Sadiq Guliyev has been a Researcher Prof. He works as Dr. Vestel participates in numerous International and Tubitak projects conducted with the participation of the defense industry. He is the author of more than 120 scientific articles, more than 20 Azerbaijani, Turkish and European patents. He currently lives and works in Ankara.
The author published the book in Turkey with his own funds. Its purpose was to present the rich literature and experimental material collected on thermal solar energy systems in the Azerbaijani language for specialists, teachers, students and those interested in this field in general. This is a great example of how an Azerbaijani scientist, regardless of which country he works in, is always connected to the motherland and works for its welfare and scientific progress.

The founders, editor-in-chief and editorial staff of “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate the member of editorial board of the journal, academician Vagif Abbasov on his 70 th anniversary. They wish him good health, longevity, and success in scientific work and in his personal life.
Doctor of chemical sciences, professor, academician of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, general director of the Y.H Mammadaliyev Institute of Petrochemical Processes Vagif Maharram oglu Abbasov is a prominent petrochemical scientist, a well-known specialist in the field of synthesis and study of corrosion, salt and paraffin deposition inhibitors, inhibitor-bactericides, antistatic additives, research of unique Azerbaijani petroleum, synthesis of synthetic petroleum acids, acquisition of conservation liquids.
Abbasov Vagif Maharram oglu was born on October 5, 1952 in Jamilli village of Tartar region. He graduated from the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute (now the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University) (1973). He got his PhD degree in chemistry (1978), doctor of sciences (1991), professor (1992), was elected a corresponding member of ANAS (2001) and became an academician (2014). V.Abbasov started his career as a chemistry teacher in secondary school and was admitted to the postgraduate course at the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after academician Y.H Mammadaliyev of AEA (1973). He was the head of laboratory (1984), head of department (2006), deputy director (2007‐2008) at the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of ANAS. Since 2011 he has been working as a director and head of department at IPCP of ANAS.
The main direction of professor V.M.Abbasov’s scientific activity is the study of unique oils of Azerbaijan, creation of new processing processes, creation of nitro compounds, metal complexes, high molecular amines, amine complexes and multifunctional antistatic additives, inhibitors, inhibitor-bactericides, conservation liquids and lubricants and is dedicated to solving problems such as the study of the mechanism of their influence
As a first time, V.M.Abbasov developed scientific bases of synthesis of antistatic additives on the basis of metal complexes of organic nitro compounds and created a new scientific direction in this field.
The antistatic additive AP-L34-1 developed by V.M.Abbasov has been successfully applied at the Baku Tire Plant, Tbilisi Aircraft Plant and Perm Engine Plant. Extensive research has been conducted by V.M.Abbasov in the field of corrosion inhibitors and their application. A method for the synthesis of new types of phosphate complexes based on urea and amines has been developed; production of multifunctional corrosion inhibitors such as “VFIKS-82”, “Azeri”, “Caspi-2”, “Caspi”, “Caspi-X”, “Caspi-X(M)” etc. has been organized. An industrial plant for the production of “VFIKS-82” inhibitor with an annual capacity of 15,000 tons has been established at the Experimental-Industrial Plant of the Institute. The Russian Federation has received a license for the production technology of the “Azeri” inhibitor and has built a plant with an annual capacity of 20,000 tons in the Meleuz city (Bashkortostan). These inhibitors instead of the inhibitors SNPX-6011B, IKB-4V, Correxit-7755, Correxit-7798 which were produced in Russia, Belgium and England. were used ın the West Siberian oil fields,
“VFIKS-82” and “Azeri” inhibitors were successfully tested and applied on an industrial scale in Ukraine’s oil fields, Turkmenistan and Oil Rocks (Azerbaijan) ın 1988-92. 5535 tons of VFIKS-82 inhibitor was produced at the Experimental Industrial Plant of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes and used in the oil fields of Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine ın 1984-1992. Meleuz Mineral Fertilizer Plant produced 15,854 tons of “VFIKS-82” inhibitor in 1989-1997 and was used in oil fields of the Russian Federation. 6,600 tons of “Azeri” multifunctional inhibitor, a winter analogue of “VFIKS-82” inhibitor, was produced at the Meleuz Mineral Fertilizer Plant in 1989-1997 and used in oil fields of the Russian Federation.
V.M.Abbasov was a member of the Presidium of the ASSOKOR International Association on corrosion in 1988-1992. A multifunctional hydrogen sulfide corrosion inhibitor based on α-olefins, capable of operating in environments containing 25% volume H2S and CO2 was developed, industrially tested and applied under his guidance. This work was carried out on the basis of an unique scientific program for the former USSR, the guidance of the creation of inhibitors based on olefins was entrusted directly to V.M.Abbasov. Inhibitors “Caspi-2”, “Araz-1” and “Absheron” were created, the mechanism of their influence was studied.
“Caspi-2” inhibitor created under the guidance of academician V.M.Abbasov at the catalytic reforming plant of the Baku Oil Refinery named after Heydar Aliyev (former “Azerneftyanajag” PU) has been used as a more effective inhibitor instead of the “Unicor” inhibitor purchased in foreign currency from the United States. The “Caspi” inhibitor, created under the idea and guidance of academician V.M.Abbasov, 186.76 tons was produced and used until October 01, 2022.
VM.Abbasov created “Caspi-X” neutralizer-inhibitor, which has no analogues in the world, for primary oil refineries. This inhibitor has a defense ability of 95-97% is superior to “Dodigen-481” inhibitor of the German company “Hoechst” due to its effect. It was applied at the primary oil refinery at the Baku Oil Refinery named after Haydar Aliyev ın 1995. The inhibitor is currently used successfully in this plant (26724.17 tons from 1995 to 01.10.2022).
A multifunctional paraffin deposition inhibitor (“Parkorin-l”) was created under the guidance of V.M.Abbasov in 1997, industrially tested in the fields jointly operated by the Azerbaijani-Turkish oil production enterprise (“Mishovdag”) and started its usage since February 1998.
“Khazar” demulsifier was created under the idea and guidance of V.M.Abbasov in 1998, tested at the Baku Oil Refinery named after Heydar Aliyev, and applied instead of the PROGALIT demulsifier produced in Germany (3658.24 tons from 1998 to 01.10.2022).
A multifunctional demulsifier-inhibitor “Khazar-24” was created ın 2011, experimental-industrial production was organized. Comparable industrial tests were conducted with German-made “Disolvan” and Azerbaijani-made “Alcan” demulsifiers and “Khazar-24” are proposed to be used in industry as they are more effective than demulsifier-inhibitor analogues.
A high-quality “Baku” scale solvent was created under the guidance of V.M.Abbasov ın 1998-2000, which is still using at the Baku Oil Refinery named after Heydar Aliyev (94,06 tons from 1998 to 01.10.2022).
Academician Vagif Abbasov also made a great contribution to the successful implementation of the “The Contract of the Century”, in the tenders announced by BP for the supply of reagents and analysis methods for the operating of the Azeri and Chirag fields in Azerbaijan (1998-2003 and 2003-2011 years), Norwegian company “Dino” with IPCP and INKOR LLC, “Champion” company of the USA with IPCP and INKOR LLC alliance has won.
“IPCP-34-2” foaming agent, which differs from its analogues by high efficiency, was created and applied in industry. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan issued a license for the production and use of this substance (26.94 tons were used).
“Caspi-X(M)” inhibitor was created under the guidance of V.M.Abbasov in 2009, chemically treated water supply system of the Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery for corrosion was industrially tested and applied (286.2 tons were used from 2009 to 01.10.2022).
For the first time V.M.Abbasov put forward the idea of creating multifunctional inhibitor-bactericides based on nitronic acids and the possibility of creating multifunctional reagents based on acids has been confirmed.
One of the researches of V.M.Abbasov in the field of petrochemistry, is study of the structural-group composition of therapeutic Naftalan oil, which has no analogues in the world, and the creation of its new refining technology.
In 2014-2017, under the guidance of academician V.M.Abbasov, the technology of effective purification of therapeutic Naftalan oil with adsorbent was developed.
For the first time, technical standards for the production of White Naftalan ointment based on the technology created by V.M.Abbasov were approved by the Ministry of Health in 2001, and “White Naftalan oil” was registered as a medicine in 2014 by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
“White Naftalan oil” got a high quality certificate at the International Exhibition “42nd World Congress” of the International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology ın 2017.
Adhesion additive “V-2” for bitumen created under the guidance of academician V.M.Abbasov has been successfully used in road construction of the Republic of Azerbaijan since 2015 and 658.4 tons were produced until 01.10.2022.
“Azofos” and “Azofos-K” fertilizers created under the idea and guidance of academician V.M.Abbasov have successfully field tests and have been recommended for application. 199,14 tons were produced and applied in 2017-2022.
V.M.Abbasov carries out enormous work in training of qualified personnel. 40 doctors of philosophy and 13 doctors of sciences got their degrees under his guidance. He carries out great scientific-organizational and social work. He is a Chairman of the Dissertation Council (ED 1.17) for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations, Deputy Chairman of the other Dissertation Council (ED 1.16).
V.M.Abbasov was a Chairman of the Ministry of Education jury holding the Republic tour of Chemistry Olympiad of schoolchildren from 1992 to 2013. He was the Chairman of the Chemistry Expert Council and the Seminar under the State Commission on Student Admission from 2001 to 2013, since 2001, he has been the Chairman of the “Chemistry and Chemical Technology” department of the Scientific Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education. He founded a scientific-methodical journal “Chemistry at school” jointly with the Institute of Educational Problems in 2003 and he is an editor-in-chief of it.
Since 2000, he is a deputy editor-in-chief at scientific journal “Petroleum chemistry and Oil Refining Processes”, since 2016, editor-in-chief of this journal. This journal has been published in english since 2011 and has been included to the list of prestigions scientific journals of the world since 2017.
V.M.Abbasov was the head of the teams participating in the World Olympiads of Azerbaijani schoolchildren in 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, and in the International Mendeleev Chemistry Olympiads in 2000, 2007 and 2010.
V.M.Abbasov was awarded the honorary title of “Honored Teacher of Azerbaijan” by the orders of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev for his fruitful work in the development of science and education and conferred on with the “Glory” order in 2005.
In 2009, he was awarded with Grand Prize on Science and Technology of the Organization of Economic Cooperation of the Islamic Countries (ECO).
V.M.Abbasov was awarded prizes, orders and titles by a number of foreign organizations. In 2009 awarded by European Business Assembly, in 2013 awarded the Socrates Prize and the Order “The Name in Science”, in the same year he was elected an academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Turkic World Studies and was awarded with the “International Gold Star Medal” (Ankara), as well as being elected an active member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences and was awarded the “Main Golden of the Knight Star” for his special services in scientific research by the decision of the Curatorial and Scientific Council, elected a foreign member in the “Oil and Gas” section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation (diploma №13-251 CНГ).
In 2014, he was awarded the title of European Honored Scientist for his work in the field of science, as well as the Order of the Great Silver Cross “For Service” by the European Academy of Natural.
In 2015 he was awarded by gold medal of the laureate of Russian Academy of Sciences and Arts (the diploma №18 on 19.02.2015) and elected a laureate of the biographical directory “Who is who” of the world publication (the diploma №18 on 20.02.2015).
In 2019, academician Vagif Abbasov was awarded the “Brand Media” award for outstanding services in the popularization of science and education and was awarded the “Honorary diploma of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic” for his long-term efficient activities in the development of petrochemical science in Azerbaijan.
In 2020, academician Vagif Abbasov was awarded the “Jubilee Medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (1920-2020)”.
In 2022 academician Vagif Abbasov was elected honorary doctor of the Kazan National Research Technological University (proto-col No. 8 dated 26.09.2022) and was elected honorary professor of the Ufa State Oil Technical University.
He is the author of 1507 publications, including 82 patents and authorship certificates, 13 application, 623 scientific articles, 600 theses, 69 books, bibliography and monographs, textbooks, tutorials, 106 publicist materials and editor 14 books.
During 2009-2022 years 1520 cited were made the scientific works of scientist.
Sons who sacrificed their lives for Azerbaijan will never be forgotten!
The sons who stood up for the defense of the Azerbaijani lands and sacrificed their lives for our lands during the prevention of the large-scale provocation caused by the terrorist armenian armed forces never will be forgotten!
May their places be heaven!
On September 19, 2022, the 20th anniversary of the journal “Chemical Problems” registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan turns. On this occasion, the journal’s co-founders, editor-in-chief, and editorial board sincerely congratulate the scientific community, the journal’s readers, and authors.
“Chemical Problems” was founded in 2002 by Dr. of Chemical Science Professor Akif Shikhan Aliyev, and has been published in Azerbaijan since 2003. Since 2004, it has been among the co-founders of the small enterprise “Turan”, since 2008 the Institute of Chemical Problems (now the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry) and the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Electrochemistry named after R. Agladze (Georgia, honorary).
The journal publishes the results of research in various fields of chemical science: petrochemicals and oil refining, electrochemistry, polymer chemistry, chemical kinetics and catalysis, crystallography, nanochemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry, research of alternative energy sources, environmental chemistry, materials science, etc. The journal was included in the list of scientific publications recommended for publishing the main results of dissertations by the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission’s review board dated 09.07.2004 (protocol No. 13 – Р).
The Journal of Chemical Problems is registered in the International Registration Center of Periodical publishes and, receiving the ISSN index 2221-8688 (print) and 2522-1655 (online), is placed in many authoritative bibliographic, reference databases, repositories, and search systems: Chemical Abstract (CAS) from 2009 (, from 2015 (, CYBERLENINKA from 2015 (https://cyberleninka .ru/journal/n/kimya-problemleri?i=1106244), ULRICHSWEB from 2016, EBSCO, CrossRef. from 2017, Scopus from 2021 (
The official website of the journal is active. The journal was included in the Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index) database (under the name Chemical Problems) in 2016-2019.
The journal publishes 4 issues a year, and the editorial board includes leading Azerbaijani scientists working in various fields of chemistry: academician V.M. Farzaliyev – chief editor, academician A.M. Aliyev – deputy editor-in-chief, academician D.B. Taghiyev, academician V.M. Abbasov, academician A.A. Majidov, academician T.M. Naghiyev, academician A.M. Maharramov, correspondent member of ANAS M.B. Babanlı, professor A.Ş. Aliyev, correspondent member of ANAS B.A. Mammadov, correspondent member of ANAS Y.N. Litvishkov, academician A.A. Garibov, correspondent member of ANAS I.I. Mustafayev, professor Y.A. Yusibov, professor E.H. Ismayilov, professor N.A. Zeynalov, professor A.Z. Zalov.
The editorial board includes well-known foreign scientists in their fields: President of the International Hydrogen Energy Association, prof. N. Vaziroglu (USA), prof. of Istanbul Technical University, department head of the Russian Scientific Center “Kurchatov Institute”, prof. V. N. Fateyev (Russia), director of the Institute of Inorganic and Electrochemistry named after R. Agladze, G. Tatishvili, prof. of the same institute T. A. Marsagishvili , prof. A.R. Farouk (Egypt), prof. Tayfur Ozturk (Turkey), prof. G.Ya. Kolbasov and S.A. Solovyov (Ukraine), prof. M.P. Yunusov (Uzbekistan), prof. E. Slavcheva (Bulgaria), prof. T.N. Vorobyeva (Belarus), prof. V. Miskovic-Stankovic (Serbia), prof. B.A. Trofimov (Russia, Irkutsk), prof. P. Taslimi (Turkey), prof. K. Bouzek (Czech Republic).
In order to acquire more readers and disseminate the results of research by Azerbaijani scientists published in the journal “Chemical Problems” abroad, the editorial board of the journal constantly worked in this direction, and as a result of its activities, the journal was included in the prestigious indexing bases. In 2017, it was registered with the Crossref Digital Identification System and received a DOI: 10.32737/2221-8688.
Since 2015, “Chemical Problems” journal has been included in RSCI Russian indexing databases. It should be noted that RSCI was created based on the agreement between the eLibrary and Clarivate Analytics databases on the Web of Science platform. Currently, two authoritative international scientometric databases have been accepted by the world scientific community – Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus. In 2016-2019, the journal Chemical Problems was included in the Web of Science database (ESCI). 211 scientific articles published in the journal have been placed on the website of the Web of Science database, and 158 citations have been given to them to date.
From September 2021, the “Chemical Problems” journal has been included in Scopus international indexing database. This database includes 62 articles published in the journal.
Articles in “Chemical Problems” journal were published in three languages – Azerbaijani, Russian and English. In the last three years, the number of articles published in English in the journal has increased to 40%. From 2021 in the journal, all scientific articles publish in English. The journal publishes articles by scientists from foreign countries – Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Hungary, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Germany, Taiwan, South Africa, etc., as well as the results of joint research by Azerbaijani scientists and their foreign colleagues.
On September 19, 2022, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the registration of the journal “Chemical Problems” with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the founder of the journal, Dr. of Chemical Sciences, Professor Akif Shikhan Aliyev, congratulates the editor-in-chief and all members of the editorial board, I wish you good health and success in the further development of the journal.
2022-ci il avqustun 23-də “Chemical Problems” jurnalının redaksiya heyətinin üzvü, kimya elminin inkişafında mühüm xidmətləri olan görkəmli alim, texnika elmləri doktoru, professor Hikmət Camal oğlu İbrahimov vəfat edib. Jurnalın Baş redaktoru və redaksiya heyətinin üzvləri H.İbrahimovun ailəsinə dərin hüznlə başsağlığı verir və səbr diləyirlər. Hikmət İbrahimovun parlaq xatirəsi qəlbimizdə əbədi yaşayacaqdır.
On August 23, 2022, a member of the editorial board of the journal “Chemical Problems” an outstanding scientist, doctor of technical sciences, and professor who made essential contributions to the development of chemical science Hikmat Camal İbrahimov died. The editor-in-chief and members of the journal editorial board mourn H. İbrahimov and sincerely condole his family. The bright memory of Hikmat İbrahimov will forever remain in our hearts.
Has been evaluated Impact Factor of the journal “Chemical Problems” until year 2020
The founders, editor-in-chief and editorial staff of “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate the member of editorial board of the journal, Dr.Sci, professor Fateev Vladimir Nikolaevich on his 70 th anniversary. They wish him good health, longevity, success in scientific work and in his personal life.
The founders, editor-in-chief and editorial staff of “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate the member of editorial board of the journal, corresponding member of Azerbaijan NAS, professor Mahammad Babanly on his 70 th anniversary. They wish him good health, longevity, success in scientific work and in his personal life.
On January 02, 2022, a member of the editorial board of the journal “Chemical Problems” a famous chemist, academician Maharram Mammadyarov died. The editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board of the journal mourn academician Mammadyarov with their relatives and friends and sincerely condole him. The bright memory of Maharram Mammadyarov will forever remain in our hearts.
The journal “Chemical Problems” was added to the Scopus source list.
The founders, editors, and members of the editorial board of the journal Chemical Problems cordially congratulate the member of the editorial board of the journal, the director of the Institute of Radiation Problems of the NAS of Azerbaijan, corresponding member of ANAS Islam Mustafayev with his 70th birthday. They wish him good health, longevity, success in scientific work, and the achievements of the institute he leads.
Islam Israfil oglu Mustafayev – is a well-known scientist in the field of High energy chemistry and Environmental protection. He was born in 1951. In 1973, he graduated from the Physics Department of the Azerbaijan State University and began working in the Radiation Research Sector of the National Academy of Sciences. In 1974-1977 he studied at the Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow, in 1978 he received the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences in Moscow, and in 1991 he received the degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences in Leningrad Technological Institute. In 1996 he became a professor. Since 1992, he has been the head of the Laboratory at the Institute of Radiation Problems. At the same time, since 2016, he is the head of the Department of Emergency Situations at the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction. In 1997, he took advanced training courses at the Regional Environmental Center in Hungary, in 1998 at the University of Maryland, USA, and in 1999 at the National Radiation Monitoring Laboratory in Alabama (USA). He worked as a researcher-professor at Istanbul Technical University under the NATO Program (1993-1994, 1996-1997, 2003). He has been a Project manager and expert for more than 50 projects in the European Union, NATO, the World Bank, the United Nations and other International organizations. He has been an expert on the United Nations Environment Program since 2006. He is the author of more than 350 scientific works, including 18 patents and 6 books. Has trained 15 candidates of sciences and 1 doctor of sciences. In 2014, he was elected a corresponding member of ANAS. In 2021, by the decision of the Presidium of ANAS, he was appointed Director General of the Institute of Radiation Problems.
He has given scientific lectures in the United States, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Germany, Japan, Belgium, Denmark, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Greece, Iran, Morocco, Kenya, Senegal, India, Pakistan, Romania, Yugoslavia and other countries.
He founded “Ruzgar” Ecological Public Union in 1996 and still heads it. Awarded with “Progress” medal and 3 Honorary Decrees of the Presidium of ANAS
He is a full member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the International Academy for Sustainable Development, and chairman of the Baku branch of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety.
The founders, editor-in-chief, and editorial staff of the “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate the member of the corresponding of ANAS, professor Gudrat Kelbaliev on his 75 th anniversary. They wish him good health, longevity, success in scientific work and in his personal life.
November 13 marks the 75th anniversary of the famous chemist-technologist Gudrat Isfandiyar oglu Kelbaliyev. Gudrat Kelbaliev was born on November 13, 1946, in the city of Nakhichevan, Nakhichevan ASSR, Azerbaijan SSR. In 1969 he graduated from the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry as a mechanical engineer. During the years of study, he became interested in science and was finally convinced of the correctness of the chosen path. In 1978 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of sciences, in 1987 he was a doctor of technical sciences in the specialty “Processes and devices of chemical technology”, in 1993 he received the academic title of professor. He began his career at the Sumgait State Research and Design Institute of the Chlorine Industry (1969-1971) as an engineer, in 1971-1976 he worked at the Research and Design Institute (NIPI) “Neftekhimavtomat” as a senior engineer, and from 1976 -years at the Institute of Theoretical Problems of Chemical Technology as a junior, senior researcher, head of a laboratory, head of a department. From 1999 to 2006 he worked at the Inonu University in Malatya (Turkey), taught the disciplines “Processes and Apparatus of Chemical Technology”, “Optimization”, “Statistics”, “Heat-Mass Transfer”. In 2001 he was elected a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. G.I. Kelbaliev is a specialist in the theoretical foundations of chemical technology. The scientist’s scientific works are devoted to modeling and optimization of the processes of chemical technology and oil refining:
- Optimization and modeling of heat exchange systems
- Modeling of unsteady chemical technological processes
- Intensification of oil refining processes.
He studied heat and mass transfer in multiphase systems, interphase heat transfer; coagulation and fragmentation of dispersed particles in a turbulent flow, sedimentation of dispersed particles in a turbulent flow. System analysis and modeling of chemical processes by methods of static physics were carried out; use of Fokker-Planck equations for process modeling. The results of his versatile scientific research are reflected in over 320 publications, including in such authoritative journals as “Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Technology”, “Engineering Physics Journal”, “Chemical Industry”, “Chemical Engineering Science”, “Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology “,” Powder Technology “, “Сolloid and Surface”, “Chemical Engineering Communications”, “Journal of Aerosol Science”, “Petroleum Science And Technology”, “Thermal Engineering”, etc. He is the author of 9 monographs and has over 14 copyright certificates and patents. Under the leadership of G. Kelbaliev, research work was carried out within the framework of grant projects of both republican and international scale, he trained dozens of young scientists and 3 doctors of sciences. For many years G. Kelbaliev was the chairman of the scientific seminar of the Institute. Now G.I. Kelbaliev is the deputy editor-in-chief of the journal “Azerbaijan Chemical Journal”, a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute. In recent years, a number of his works have been presented to innovation centers for implementation. For his great contribution to the development of chemical science, G. Kelbaliyev in 2015 was awarded the Order of «Shohrat» (Glory) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Certificate of Honor of ANAS, and other awards.
The founders, editor-in-chief, and editorial staff of 
the journal“Chemical Problems” congratulate a member of the editorial board G.Ya. Kolbasov and his team with the receipt of the “National Prize of Ukraine named after Boris Paton” in the field of science and technology. We wish them many successes in the further.
The journal “Chemical Problems” has been accepted for Scopus.
The founders, editor-in-chief and editorial staff of “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate the member of editorial board of the journal, Honored Scientist, professor Hikmat Ibrahimov on his 70 th anniversary. They wish him good health, longevity, success in scientific work and in his personal life.
The impact factor for 2020 has been announced in the RSCI databases of the Chemical Problems journal.
The journal “Chemical Problems” has been included in the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) indexing databases since 2015. It should be noted that RSCI is based on an agreement between the eLibrary and Clarivate Analytics databases on the Web of Science platform. RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) databased has announced the impact factor of the journals included here for 2020 and the bibliometric results of each publication on more than 40 parameters.
According to the results of the RSCI on the analysis parameters announced in 2021, the journal has made significant positive progress. In 2020, the IF RSCI on “Chemical Problems” was announced at the level of 0.22. In addition, compared to 2019, in 2020, the journal “Chemical Problems” rose by 19 positions in the RSCI among chemical journals, from 73rd to 54th place.
It should be noted that the journal “Chemical Problems” includes Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) and RSCI (Web of Science), which are recommended by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The founders, editor-in-chief and editorial staff of “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate the head of laboratory of the Institute Polimer Materials of the NAS of Azerbaijan, Dr. Sc., professor, Najaf Kahramanov on his 75 th anniversary. They wish him good health, longevity, and success in scientific work.
The founders, editor-in-chief and editorial staff of “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate the member of editorial board of the journal, corresponding member of ANAS Yuri Litvishkov on his 75 th anniversary. They wish him good health, longevity, success in scientific work and in his personal life.
The founders, editor-in-chief and editorial staff of “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate the esteemed Director of the Institute of Natural Resources of the Nakhchivan Branch of the NAS of Azerbaijan, corresponding member of ANAS Tofig Aliyev on his 70 th anniversary. They wish him good health, longevity, success in scientific work, and the achievements of the institute he leads.

The founders, editor-in-chief and editorial staff of “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate the Head of Laboratory of Institute of Catalysis and inorganic chemistry named after acad. M.Nagiev of ANAS, Ph.D. in chemistry Saadat Bananyarli Awarded with the Order of “SHOHRAT” by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for effective activities in the public life of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The founders, editor-in-chief and editorial staff of “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate the esteemed Director of Scientific center “Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia”, Department chief of Institute of Catalysis and inorganic chemistry named after acad. M.Nagiev of ANAS, Academician Tofig Murtuza oglu Naghiyev on his 80 th anniversary and awarded with the Order of “SHARAF” by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Wish him good health and new scientific achievements in his future work.
Nagiev T.M. is an author of macrokinetic theory of coherent-synchronous reactions interaction. He has both defined a concept of chemical interference and proposed an equation of determinant considering the condition of coherence as well as phase shifts for the reactions synchronized in time and space. This theory has been definitely proved by experiments. In the basic of enzymes of monooxygenase, peroxidase and catalase reactions were established new biomimetic catalyst and of this direction for the research result in biotechnology new biomimetic sensors has been elaborated. Research of recent years is concerned with biomimetic catalysis, the development of high-performance hydroxylation and epoxidation catalytic biomimics resistant to the action of oxidant and high temperatures, the property of hydrogen peroxide to induce various reactions. In the row of fundamental scientific achievements, the important place belongs to new dependent elementary reactions with appropriate kinetic parameters proposed by him. Namely, this circumstance has allowed him and his team to study new free-radical-induced reactions-oxidative fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, conjugated dehydrogenation of alkanes and alkenes, epoxidation, hydroxylation and oxidation of methane to methanol, formaldehyde hydrogen-containing gas. A certain contribution has been made to the study of chemical energy accumulation principles in the conjugated chemical and biochemical systems. In the meantime the scientific principles of creation of biomimetic sensors – new analytic systems are successfully elaborated under his guidance. Obtaining of nitrogen 1-oxide on the fixation mechanism of molecular nitrogen with hydrogen peroxide by the result of the quantum-chemical studies and existence of stable HOO–N=N–OOH intermediate was theoretically substantiated. Thus T.M.Nagiev’s the formerly results of scientific researches were proved and this process was named “Nagiev Effect”. The sphere of scientific interests: physical chemistry, the chemistry of free-radical-induced reactions of oxidation, heterogeneous and biomimetic catalysis, kinetics and mechanism of coherent-synchronized reactions, applied biochemistry, and biotechnology.
The founders, editors and members of the editorial board of the journal Chemical Problems cordially
congratulate the director of the Institute of Polymer Materials of the NAS of Azerbaijan, corresponding member of ANAS
Bakhtiyar Mammadov
with his 70th birthday.
They wish him good health, longevity, success in scientific work, and the achievements of the institute he leads.
Bakhtiyar Ajdar oglu Mammadov was born on 1 January, 1951 in Dialli village of Ismayilli region. After graduating from secondary school in 1967 with a gold medal, he entered the Faculty of Chemistry of Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University) and graduated with honors diploma in 1972.
B.Mammadov began his activity in 1974 in Sumgayit Chemical Industry Association. In 1975, he entered the postgraduate school of Sumgayit branch of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR. Since 1978, he has worked as a junior researcher, senior researcher, head of laboratory at the Institute of Polymer Materials. Since 2016 up to now he works as a director of the Institute of Polymer Materials.
In 1980 he successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Investigation of the process and products of anion polymerization of p-benzoquinone in the presence of alkali”, in 1994 – his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Macroaroxyl radicals: regularities, synthesis, properties and ways of practical use” at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. In 2010 he received a title of professor; in 2014 he was elected a corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
The thermal, cationic and anionic polymerization, of quinones and copolymerization with a number of vinyl monomers, investigation of kinetic regularities and products of oxidation of homo- and copolycondensation reactions of phenols, diphenols, naphthols and aromatic amines, development of the scientific bases of these reactions and determination of mechanism, development of chemistry of polyfunctional reactive high-molecular compounds with system of aromatic conjugated bonds takes main place in the scientist’s scientific work. The oxidation reactions of homo- and cooligomers containing oxyarylene links synthesized by him have been extensively investigated and the simple and effective methods of preparation of stable macroaroxyl radicals have been developed. The dependence between the paramagnetic and electro-conductive properties of macroaroxyl radicals has been revealed. It has been shown that the concentration of radical centers in these systems determines a quantity of carrier centers located near the Fermi level.
B.Mammadov has also carried out the investigations in the field of chemical modification of industrial thermoplastics, thermoelastomers, resins and elastomers and preparation of compositions, including nanocompositions and developed new efficient methods of preparation of the polymer materials with high heat resistance, mechanical strength and antistatic indices. Now, he is continuing his scientific-research works on preparation of new representatives of polyfunctional oligooxydiarylenes, oligoaminooxyarylenes with the developed conjugated bonds system containing both amine and hydroxyl groups, determination of composition, structure, properties and possibilities of application, creation of compositions, including nanocompositions with high exploitation indices on the basis of such oligomers and industrial polymers.
Bakhtiyar Mammadov took part in the implementation of scientific projects together with Ukrainian Science and Technology Center, Institute of Mechanics of Metal-polymer Systems of Belarusian NAS and the grant project of SOCAR “Science Foundation” and was the manger of two of these projects.
Under his leadership, 10 PhD and 1 Master’s thesis on chemistry were defended. Now B.Mammadov is the scientific head of 1 doctoral student and scientific advisor of 4 PhD students. The main scientific direction of the school headed by Bakhtiyar Mammadov is the synthesis of new polyfunctional bio- and electroactive oligo- and cooligomers with the conjugated bonds system, modification of industrial polymers and the creation of materials with complex valuable properties, including multilayer polymer dielectrics used in electrotechnics and microelectronics, bioactive and electric-conductive polymer compositions.
Bakhtiyar Mammadov is a Chairman of Scientific Council of the Institute of Polymer Materials and at the same time is a member of Problem Council on chemistry. He is also a member of Dissertation Council at the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after academician Yu.N.Mammadaliyev, at the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic chemistry and Scientific Council of the Department of Chemical Sciences.
The scientist is also a member of the Editorial Board of ”Azerbaijan Chemical Journal” and “Polymer materials and technologies” journals published at the Institute of Mechanics of Metal-polymer Systems of Belarusian NAS.
The well-known scientist is an author of nearly 400 works, including 12 inventions and 3 patents of the Azerbaijan Republic.
The scientist was awarded with Honorary diploma and premium by research center “Thomson Reuters” USA for citations to their scientific papers in prestigious scientific journals and monographs in 2012, in 2015, by decision of the Commission premium “European Publishing house” of the Republic of Azerbaijan he was awarded with the gold medal ” Ən yaxşı vətənpərvər tədqiqatçı alim” (Best patriotic researcher scientist) for the productive activity in the protection of national-spiritual values, training of talented young scientists, for successful investigations in the field of macromolecular chemistry, the investigations of thermoplastics of industrial production, for his outstanding achievements in the education of patriotic feelings among young people and in the history of the petrochemical industry of the country. In addition, according to the public opinion conducted by the Trade Union of mass media workers of Azerbaijan in 2016, as a scientist, he was awarded with Higher Media Prize “Scientist of the Year” for his activity in implementation of Heydar Aliyev’s ideas, for his worthy services to the motherland and the people, in 2017 – for the successful implementation of the state policy of the President of Azerbaijan Republic, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, according to the results of a public opinion conducted by “Parlamentinsə Internet television”, he was awarded with the Honorary diploma “Şərəfli ömür” (Honorable life), in 2019 – honorary diploma of media “Şərəfli ömür” (Honorable life) by “Parlamentinsə” based on the results of the news portal’s survey.
At the same time, by the Order of the head of state he was awarded with the Order “Vətənə xidmətə görə” (For services for the Motherland) of the 3rd degree, as well as the honorary decree of ANAS.
A successful life and activity is the result of the scientist’s talent, skill and ability and diligence. Talent and diligence are the formula for the scientist’s success, and intelligence is the God’s gift. B.Mammadov is a scientist, who is able to present himself and his word to the society on every subject.
The founders, editor-in-chief and editorial staff of “Chemical Problems” journal congratulate the esteemed Academician, Agadadash Mahmud oglu Aliyev on his 80th anniversary and wish him good health and new scientific achievements in his future work.
Academician Agadadash Aliyev, an outstanding Azerbaijani scientist, a specialist in the field of chemical technology, chemical kinetics and catalysis theory recognized by the world scientific community, will be 80 years old on October 16, 2020.
A.M. Aliyev graduated from the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry named after A.M.Azizbekov in 1963. In 1963-1965 he worked in various industries. However, his interest in science led him to graduate school, where he began his scientific career under the guidance of academician Murtuza Nagiyev. M.F. Nagiyev was able to see in the young researcher A. Aliev a distinctive feature – the ability to analyze the essence of chemical processes, so he invited him to work at the Institute of Theoretical Problems of Chemical Technology.
Since 1967, A. M. Aliyev worked at the Institute of Theoretical Problems of Chemical Technology as chief engineer, junior researcher, senior researcher, scientific secretary, department head, laboratory manager. Since 1994, A.M. Aliyev on the nomination of Academician T.Shakhtakhtinsky who highly appreciated his organizational skills, worked as deputy director for scientific affairs of the institute. Later on, in 2010-2014, A.M. Aliyev acted as director of the institute.
In 1969 he defended his candidate’s dissertation, in 1984 – his doctoral dissertation, received the title of professor (1986) in the specialty “Processes and apparatus of chemical technology.” In 1989 he was elected a corresponding member of NANA in the specialty “Theoretical foundations of chemical technology”, and in 2001 he became a full member (academician) National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in chemistry.
Scientific researchs by A.M. Aliyev are reflected in more than 700 scientific publications, including 63 copyright certificates and patents.
The scientific-research work carried out under the supervision of A.M Aliyev is of great interest in many countries worldwide. He honorably represents the Azerbaijani science at conferences and symposiums held in a number of countries around the world (USA, Bulgaria, Turkey, Belgium, France, Greece, etc.).
The theoretical and practical significance of his work also aroused the interest of foreign scientists. A.Aliyev collaborates with various research and design centers of the United States (University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he was on a long-term scientific trip), Russia (NIIMSK, Yaroslavl, Giprokauchuk, Moscow).
In 1997, AM Aliyev, as a representative of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan attended a third meeting of the UN Commission on Science and Technology in Geneva (Switzerland).
In addition to his scientific work, A.M. Aliyev has made a great contribution to the training of young specialists in universities – chemists and chemist-technologists, research staff. Under his scientific guidance, 38 doctors of philosophy and 5 doctors of sciences were trained.
A.M. Aliyev has for many years been a member of the Dissertation Defense Board D 004.0901; an active participant of “Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Technology” section of the Republican Council “Catalysis”.
Academician AM Aliyev is a member of the editorial board of “Azerbaijan Chemical Journal” and “Chemical Problems” journal.
A wide range of scientific interests of the scientist and his ability to work productively, his erudition, sensitivity and kindness won him the sympathy of the staff of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry and the scientific community of the republic as a whole.
Dear Authors!
Articles published in the journal “Chemical Problems” from 2016 (1-4) to 2019 (1-3) are included in the Web of Science database.
Dear Prof. Evelina Slavcheva, congratulation!
At the first meeting of the Eighth General Assembly of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (GA), the international member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Chemical Problems” Prof. Evelina Slavcheva was elected Chair of the supreme management body of the Academy. The editorial Board of the journal “Chemical Problems” congratulates him on this occasion and wishes him good health and success in his future scientific work.
7 th All-Russian conference “Fuel cells and Power Plants based on them” with international participation and 4d School for young scientists “Modern aspects of high efficient fuel cells and power sources based on them” will be lead from September 27 – October 1 2020 by the Institute of Solide State Physics Russian Academy of Science.
The journal of “Chemical Problems ” is the general information sponsor of the conference.
On April 15, 2020, a member of the international editorial board from Azerbaijan of the journal “Chemical Problems” a famous chemist, Correspondent member of ANAS Ali Najafgulu oglu Nuriyev died. The editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board of the journal mourn Honored Worker of Science Nuriyev with their relatives and friends and sincerely condole him. The bright memory of Ali Nuriyev will forever remain in our hearts.
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev awarded Academician Dilgam Tagiyev the Order of “Shohrat” for his achievements in the development of science in Azerbaijan. On this occasion, the founders, editors and members of the editorial board of the journal “Chemical Problems” congratulate him, wish him health, longevity, success in scientific work and in his personal life.
The founders, editors and members of the editorial board of the journal “Chemical Problems” cordially congratulate the member of editorial board of the journal academician Abel Maharramov with his 70th birthday. They wish him good health, longevity, success in scientific work and in his personal life.
On December 22, 2019, a member of the international editorial board from Georgia of the journal “Chemical Problems” a famous chemist in the field of electrochemistry, professor Ramaz Kvaratskhelia died. The editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board of the journal mourn Professor Kvaratskhelia with their relatives and friends and sincerely condole him. The bright memory of Ramaz Kvaratskhelia will forever remain in our hearts.
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev awarded Academician Vagif Farzaliyev the Order of “Sharaf” for his achievements in the development of science in Azerbaijan. On this occasion, the founders, editors and members of the editorial board of the journal “Chemical Problems” in which he is editor in chief congratulate him, wish him health, longevity, success in scientific work and in his personal life.
The founders, editors and members of the editorial board of the journal Chemical Problems cordially congratulate the director of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after Acad. M. Nagiyev of the NAS of Azerbaijan, academician Dilgam Tagiyev with his 70th birthday. They wish him good health, longevity, success in scientific work and the achievements of the institute he leads.
G.I. Kelbaliyev, D.B. Tagiyev, S.R, Rasulov Transport Phenomena in Dispersed Media, Taylor and Francis Group, CRC Press, Boca Raton-London-New York, 2019, 450p. (Явленияпереноса в дисперсных средах).
24 April 1926 – 28 October 2019
It is to announce with the greatest sorrow that
Prof. Andrey P.ТOMILOV
Doctor of Science (Technology), Lenin Prize Laureate, Honorary Chemist of the Russian Federation, Honored worker of Science and Technology, passed away on 28 October 2019 at the 94th year of life.
Andrey Tomilov was born in the town of Vyatka (currently Kirov).
After finishing school, from 1943 to 1944 he worked as a annealer at a defence plant. From 1944 to 1947 he studied in Kirov Aviation technical college, and from 1947 to 1952 in Moscow Chemical Technological Institute named after D.I.Mendeleev. He graduated from both the educational institutions with honors.
Since 1952 Andrey Tomilov’s life had been associated with State Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology (GosNIIOKhT). Over 60 years of work he worthily walked the long path from senior researcher to Head of laboratory. He finished his work in 2012 in the position of Chief scientific worker.
Prof. Tomilov is well known for his comprehensive studies in the field of the theory and practice of organic electrosynthesis. Being an informal leader of a scientific direction – the electrochemistry of organic compounds – in both Russia and CIS countries he contributed a lot into the systematization of scientific achievements and definition of the course of further development of this scientific area. He developed industrial methods for the production of pinaconhydrate (1960-1970), adipodinitrile (1972), and edil herbicide (1980).
Prof. Tomilov published more than 450 scientific works and obtained more than 130 patents and inventor’s certificates. He is a co-author of 12 monographies on the electrochemistry of organic compounds among which is the first domestic monography “The Electrochemistry of Organic Compounds”, translated into several foreign languages; he is also the author of two textbooks for institutes of higher education and three teaching materials on practical electrochemistry.
Prof. Tomilov prepared more than 35 PhDs and six Doctors of Science. For many years he was a member of the Academic Board of GosNIIOKhT and several dissertational councils. Since 1980 he headed the section on the electrochemistry of organic compounds in the Scientific Council at the Presidium of the Academy of Science.
Andrey P. Tomilov was distinguished by the utmost professionalism, outstanding organizational skills, widest breadth of technical vision, efficiency and adherence to principles. Besides this, everyone knew him as most sympathetic, friendly and creative person, who was always ready to provide support and to come to everybody’s help at a moment of trouble. For all this he won the utmost respect, authority and grateful attitude.
We are mourning together with prof. Tomilov’s family and relatives, and sincerely condole with them on their loss.
The cherished memory of Andrey P.Tomilov shall forever preserve in our hearts.
Dear colleagues and friends,
We want to thank you for your participation in SED’19.We would also like to thank for your very interesting and useful oral andposter presentations. It was our pleasure to welcome you to Sofia and spend afew days together. We hope to meet again soon.
We look forward to receiving your articles beforeNovember 30 for publication in a special issue of “Bulgarian ChemicalCommunications”. Instructions about Preparation of Manuscripts you can find on articles can be published in a “ChemicalProblems” journal ( following a normal review procedure.
The founders, editors and members of the editorial board of the journal Chemical Problems congratulate the editor-in-chief of the journal Vagif Farzaliev on his 80th birthday. They wish him good health, longevity, success in scientific work and prosperity of the journal.
The head editor, founders, editorial board and members of the journal “Chemical Problems” congratulate the management and staff of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Y. Mammadaliyev NAS of Azerbaijan on its 90th anniversary. They wish them health and success in further scientific work.
6. October 16-19, 2019, in the city of Sofia (Bulgarian), will be national conference with international participation “SOFIA ELECTROCHEMICAL DAYS ‘2019”.
The journal of “CHEMICAL PROBLEMS ” ( is the general information sponsor of the conference.
The Azerbaijan Chemical Journal is a sound and respectful edition on chemistry in Azerbaijan, which has been published since 1959. The journal publishes the articles dedicated to the actual problems of chemistry and chemical technology, investigations in the field of inorganic and physical chemistry, organic and petrochemical synthesis, kinetics and catalysis, modelling and optimization of the chemical process, as well the articles on the current problems of ecology. The editorial board and members of the journal “Chemical Problems” congratulate the editorial board of the journal “Azerbaijan Chemical Journal” on its 60th anniversary. Wish them health, success in life and further prosperity of the journal.
6th All-Russian conference “Fuel cells and Power Plants based on them” with international participation and 3d School for young scientists “Modern aspects of high efficient fuel cells and power sources based on them” will be lead from 23 th to 27 th of June by the Institute of Solide State Physics Russian Academy of Science (ISSP RAS) in city Chernogolovka, Moscow region
The journal of “Chemical Problems ” is the general information sponsor of the conference.
The editor-in-chief, the editorial board and the editors of journal
“CHEMICAL PROBLEMS” congratulate with the 90th anniversary, a member of the editorial board of this journal, a Correspondent member of NAS of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, laureate of the State Prize, Honored Worker of Science – Ali Najafgulu oglu Nuriyev, wishes him good health and success in scientific activities.
The journal “CHEMICAL PROBLEMS” was awarded the “Web of Science Azerbaijan-2018” from the Clarivate Analytics.
October 18-19, 2018, in the city of Makhachkala (RF), an international scientific-practical conference and a school of young scientists will be held “CHEMISTRY, CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES AND ECOLOGY: SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, EDUCATION”. Informational support belongs to the journal “CHEMICAL PROBLEMS”.