Chemical Problems editorial policy


At its activity, the editorial board of the journal is governed by principles developed by the International Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE (

The journal is an open access publication: all users can freely and free of charge read, download, link and copy published materials in accordance with principles of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) (

The journal is published in accordance with the following basic principles of editorial policy:


The basic principles of the editorial policy of the journal are as follows:


  1. The ethical policy of the editorial board.

The editor-in-chief, members of the editorial board and authors of the journal have ethical obligations governed by principles of professionalism, objectivity and impartiality.

When deciding on the release of an article to publication, the editorial board evaluates only the contents of the article, without distinction as to the author’s race, sex, sexual orientation, political and religious views, social origin and citizenship. The editor-in-chief should not leave unanswered claims regarding reviewed manuscripts or published materials, and if a conflict situation is identified, take all necessary measures to restore violated rights. The editors are always ready to publish corrections, clarifications, refutations and apologies when necessary.

  1. Privacy Statement

The editorial board strictly observes the confidentiality of the articles provided: it does not use materials designed for publication, for the transfer to third parties or for personal purposes without the written consent of the authors.

  1. Plagiarism policy

In case of detection in an article of elements of plagiarism or facts of publication by authors of the same article in different journals, the editorial board takes measures to clarify reasons of publication ethics violation, informs authors of the fact reserving the right to remove the article from publication and bar access of articles of these authors for further publication.

  1. Reviewing institution.

All content of the journal undergoes mandatory double-blind review by independent experts. Independent experts are selected from among persons who are recognized experts in the relevant branch of chemistry and who do not have scientific, financial, or any other relationships with the authors of the article.

After peer review, the article is reviewed by the editorial board to decide on publication.

  1. Information openness.

The journal’s website publishes in the open access the information about the publishing house, editor-in-chief, editorial board, description of the journal, editorial policy, rules for sending, reviewing and publishing scientific articles, full-text versions of all scientific articles published in the journal.

The editors are ready to publish corrections, clarifications, refutations and apologies when necessary.

  1. Conflict of interest: At the end of the article the author or authors declare no conflict of interest (for the absence of the conflict of interest).

The editors shall prevent conflict of interest in business requirements.

  1. Prevention of ethical violations. An agreement is concluded between the editorial board and the authors, following which all authors confirm their consent to the publication and transfer of copyright to the journal
  2. RetractionThe retraction of an article is carried out at the initiative of the author or the editorial board of the journal.

    The grounds for retraction of an article are:

    • detection of plagiarism;
    • duplication of an article in several publications;
    • detection of falsifications in the article
    • detection of serious errors in the article
    • hidden conflict of interest;

    If the editorial board decides to retract an article based on its own expertise, it informs the author of the article of its decision and familiarizes him with the wording justifying the retraction of the article.

    When the editorial board makes a decision to retract an article, the editorial board indicates information about the retraction of the article on the journal’s website in the archive of the corresponding issue of the journal – the date of retraction (and the reasons for retraction).

    If the editorial board of a scientific journal receives a request on the initiative of another person who is not part of the publication’s author group, the editorial board must conduct an investigation by contacting the authors or the organization where the authors work, and having received certain explanations, make a decision on the retraction of the article, its correction, or refusal to retract/correct, sending information to the applicant and authors about the decision made. Then the editorial board carries out the retraction procedure independently in accordance with the rules.

    After the retraction procedure of an article in a journal is completed, information about the retraction must be sent to all national and foreign information resources in which the journal is indexed or posted.


Principles of publication ethics for authors


In their professional activities, the authors of the journal are governed by the following principles:

-Authors guarantee that the data presented in the scientific publication is real and authentic, and each of the team of authors (if any) made a significant contribution to the research. If the reviewers, scientific editor, editor-in-chief of the journal question the authenticity and reliability of research results, the authors must provide additional materials to vindicate their assertions in the scientific article.

-Authors reaffirm the existence of copyright for submitted materials and guarantee that they have not been published earlier, nor submitted for consideration to other publications.

-Authors guarantee that the submitted materials are original and do not contain plagiarism, which may be revealed during the review of the article.

-If errors or inaccuracies are found in an article that is at the stage of consideration or has already been published, the authors must notify the journal’s editorial board hereof as soon as possible.

-Authors respect and adhere to ethical standards due to criticism or comments on the article during the review and publication process.


Principles of publication ethics for reviewers


In their professional activities, the reviewers of the journal are governed by the following principles:

-Reviewers, when deciding on a publication, are governed only by the results of peer-reviewing a scientific article, the reliability of scientific results and the scientific significance of the work. No discrimination over principles of origin, nationality and religion, political preferences, social status, race, gender of the author is allowed.

– The reviewer shall provide an objective and reasoned assessment of the research results. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.

-The reviewers shall not leak the information, research results as set forth in the peer-reviewed article before their publication, nor use them for personal profit.

– The reviewer shall not allow materials to be published if there are sufficient grounds to believe that they contain plagiarism or based on fabricated research results.

-At his work, the reviewer shall show integrity in his decision to accept or reject a scientific publication in the journal governed by the main principle – to be impartial and seek to improve the quality of scientific publication.

-Also, he shall ensure the compliance of publications with academic standards and international ethical standards of publications in scientific journals.

-Results of the review of the article by the reviewer make it possible to publish scientific material when adjusted for its form, following an appropriate, comprehensive revision (including re-consideration) or its rejection. This conclusion shall be approved by the editorial board of the journal.

-Based on the results of external and internal (editorial) peer review, the author will be supplied with a review of his article indicating the required improvements and the time frame they need to be made.













  • KİMYA PROBLEBLƏRİ jurnalı öz fəaliyyətinində elmi nəşrlərin Etika Komitəsinin tövsiyələrinə əsaslanır.

Baş redaktorun vəzifələri

  • Baş redaktor resenziyaları nəzərə alaraq hansı məqalələrin çapa gedəcəyinə qərar verir. Bu zaman o işin elmi əhəmiyyətinə və nəticələrin doğruluğuna əsaslanır.
  • Təqdim olunan məqaləyə qiymət verəndə müəlliflərin irqi, cinsi, sosial vəziyyəti, dini mənsubiyyəti yox, yalnız işin məzmunu əsas götürülür.
  • Təqdim olunan məqalənin nəticələrini şəxsi mənfəət üçün və yaxud başqa şəxslərə istifadə etmək üçün müəllifin razılığı olmadan vermək olmaz.Redaktə edən zaman məqalədə olan yeni informasiya və ideyalar konfidensialdır və mənfəət üçün istifadə oluna bilməz.
  • Redaktor plaqiat məqalələri çapa buraxmır.

Resenzentlərin vəzifələri

  • Resenzent elmi ekspertizanı apararkən aşağıdakı prinsiplərə əsaslanmalıdır:
  • Əgər resenzent hesab edir ki, elmi iş onun sahəsinə aid deyil və yaxud müəllifnən hansısa bir konflikti var , bu zaman o resenzent olmaqdan imtina edir.
  • Redaksiyaya təqdim olunan məqalə konfidensial materialdır. Onu kənar adamlara vermək olmaz.
  • Resenzent işə obyektiv və arqumentli rəy verməlidir. Müəllifin şəxsiyyətini tənqid etmək yolverilməzdir.
  • Resenzent rəy verdiyi məqalənin nəticələrini şəxsi marağı üçün istifadə etməyəcəyinə aid iltizam verir.

Müəlliflərin vəzifələri

  • Müəlliflər apardığı tədqiqatların doğru nəticələrini təqdim etməlidirlər. Müəlliflər təqdim etdikləri materialın orijinallığına cavabdehdilər.
  • Plaqiat yolverilməzdir.
  • Başqa jurnala göndərilmiş və yaxud artıq dərc olunmuş məqaləni jurnala təqdim etməməlidirlər
  • Məqalənin həmmüəlifləri yalnız tədqiqatda iştirak edən şəxslər ola bilər.